Friday, November 19, 2021

Join us is searching over 30 of sustainability's most collaborative networks built by a billion poorest women over the last half century - can these help us leap forward from the triple crises of young adulthood's 2020s of covid, climate , chauvinism embedded both economically and socially in professions, professorships and politicians

Some of these collaborations have nearly 50 years of compound effort mainly thanks to the courage of Bangladesh and Chinese village women- previously neither country had encouraged business-women. Parentheses indicate years up to 2021. Its only in the last 25 yeras that tech parters started bring villagers access to electricity (via solar) and communications (mobile phones). Some village women leapfrog solutions are the most exciting entrepreneurial revolutions my family has journalised in the 53 years since my father coined the term in The Economist

dedication to fazle abed this map of collaborations came from briefings over the last decade of fazle abed's 50 years of designing collabs that supported a billion asian village women end poverty- abed wanted these udpated especially by young professionals worldwide as well as Asian village women - one reason he spent the last 20 years of his life connecting worldwide university partnerships as well as continuing his focus -partnerships supporting the building of the world's poorest and 8th most populous nation in 1971 by women through every village-

parentheses indicate age of action spcific learning networks approximately as at 2021

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