Saturday, January 28, 2023


I started playshool's nextdoor group, MD, for 2 reasons. My daughter wants to advance as a 20-play school something educator and linguist- hopefully breathing good energy into this for 40+ more years.. Meanwhile, 40 years ago I-co-authored the start of a genre which explored the idea that how education and digital grew up with each other would explain life's community ups and downs far more than any economist's or policy making algorithms or Justice's supreme overlords.

My dad was an economist who had met von neumann in princeton in 1951 and been told to quiz leaders -what goods can peoples unite with 100 times more tech per decade? Not everyone would get equal ops to be first explorers of virtual worlds and non human intellects. For example, since 1965 those lucky to be near enough intel's silicon valley have enjoyed 100 times more chips (blending real and artificial intel), One of the first readers to contact us in 1984 surprised us out of new zealand- he said he wanted to map learning from cradle to grave- and make sure that families understood half of human development happened before the age of 6. Now this included the fact that in poor humid places cut off from communications - half of infants may die of diarrhea or have their brain stunted unless their chief nurturer knows what to do. But its also about how much play versus violence surrounds a kid up to age 6, and indeed whether a kid gets a chance at double linguistic literacy or some other special skill of her family's tree. His book sold a few thousand copies in NZ and 10 million in....

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