Friday, November 19, 2021

Join us is searching over 30 of sustainability's most collaborative networks built by a billion poorest women over the last half century - can these help us leap forward from the triple crises of young adulthood's 2020s of covid, climate , chauvinism embedded both economically and socially in professions, professorships and politicians

Some of these collaborations have nearly 50 years of compound effort mainly thanks to the courage of Bangladesh and Chinese village women- previously neither country had encouraged business-women. Parentheses indicate years up to 2021. Its only in the last 25 yeras that tech parters started bring villagers access to electricity (via solar) and communications (mobile phones). Some village women leapfrog solutions are the most exciting entrepreneurial revolutions my family has journalised in the 53 years since my father coined the term in The Economist

dedication to fazle abed this map of collaborations came from briefings over the last decade of fazle abed's 50 years of designing collabs that supported a billion asian village women end poverty- abed wanted these udpated especially by young professionals worldwide as well as Asian village women - one reason he spent the last 20 years of his life connecting worldwide university partnerships as well as continuing his focus -partnerships supporting the building of the world's poorest and 8th most populous nation in 1971 by women through every village-

parentheses indicate age of action spcific learning networks approximately as at 2021

Monday, November 1, 2021

2021 and Essay Questions from Billion Womens 50 Years Colaboratio in ending extreme poverty

Womens Esssay Questions on Sustainability & Economics 

1 How does knowledge of billion womens mitigation of extreme poverty inform current UN debate with Elon Musk that 6 billion dollars of his money would end hunger? 

2 Discuss the world bank experiences that led Jim Kim to say with least developed countries it never works to  separate growth economic models from basic systems of health and energy.

 3 Whats the difference between the goal 17 hypothesis that extinction can be prevented by Private-Public partnerships and the women empowerment hypothesis that triangularisation by integrating civil society networks is  essential

. 4 What is the relevance of a big population developing nation offering benchmark market solutions to sdgs 1-5 to all the other sdgs?

 5 Why did Fazle Abed say that an ideal balance for BRAC would be revenues that made BRAC 75% sustainable and 25% dependent on world leading sponsors of human development?

 6 What is the role between government and civil society in evolving a country's leading experts markets? 

7  Are there any urgent current lessons between Adam Smith & Scottish models of human advancement since 1758 and Bangladesh's first 50 years as a free nation?  

8 What role if any does Artificial Intelligence play in designing autonomous real time operational systems of most relevance to Uniting Communities and multilaterals such as the UN?  I strongly recommend that those who partnered Abed in 50 years of billion poorest women working on these questions come up with unique views critical to 2020s life on earth. Of course other essay questions can be framed

Sunday, October 31, 2021

 3 opening 75 minures galsgow - earth to cop made it clear young civils society networks are only ones who can trainsgulariswe big elders movements - the public polticos and the private big ceos (mostly untaxed this centtury)

what is stopping elder generations from empowering younger half to be teh fisrt sustainability genneration

fake media fame democracy run by lawyers instead of green engineers? 

money 25 trillion dollars printed since subptrime not one doilar for climate

Saturday, October 30, 2021


Breaking the week before thanksgiving 2021 I humbly suggest Xi Jinping has a huge opportunity to elevate womens lives in line with his courageous efforts to remove corruption. Around the world, I have worked on media, market and societal research. I spent much of 1999 guest editing triple issue of journal of marketing management on every way media has diverged from the defining purpose of parenting; I have helped Glasgow publishers triple the number of journals on media morality including the launch of the journal of new economics this month and my family has contributed to arguably Scots' most world-wise newspaper of all "The Economist" begun in 1843 to gravitate sustainability's two deepest goals. Even social educators are biased subconsciously if not consciously - my bias is believing the purpose of our species is seen in parents/communities collaborating around a better life for our next generation. If that is not the core human purpose no wonder nature will decide to send us the way of the dodo. If investment in global media had not lost all common sense, we would not be facing the climate mess the older half of the world has trapped younger half in. I have been privileged to be guided round Beijing 8 times by graduate female linguists. Something the West doesn't understand is due to China's one child policy half of all families futures depend mostly on one young adult woman who is much more educated and the first to search the world for creative humanity. That is a responsibility many young Chinese women communicate with groundedness and dignity. From where I write in Washington DC it is clear that if humans are to exist in 22nd century we need the courage of networks like young adult Chinese women (arguably the largest moral sentiments network economists have ever been valued by). I have written elsewhere on how immoral the administration of tennis has gotten but how brave some of its female superstars are. Growing up in tennis town Wimbledon I am aware of what tennis heroines/heroes used to stand for and ho shameless paparazzi media have hurt the mental health of tennis superstars. The WTA faces its own extinction test. Clarify where Chinese women tennis players can next play on the world stage and if Western journalists abuse said players know that tennis lack of true values will have contributed to climate hell.

Thursday, October 28, 2021


Modern markets of aid started after world war 2 at the united nations most nations recognised they had been colonised; most by th 7 white empires (UK FRANCE, Germany , Italy, Russia, USA, Canada) and japan who were the main forces in world war 2) ; with exception of Japan all major colonisation from late 15th century discovery of new world was adminstered by whites out of Europe ( in fact Portugal's Henry Navigator and Spain began the process resulting in a quite extraordinary border of who owned latin maerica who, and Netherlands had been a very significant player across Asia's southern coatal belt but it largesly came to agreemenets with the UK by ww2)
while some colonistaion may have been besign - the reality is it included slavemaking, guns and ships canons, genocide in various mixes; and across most of Asia where 60% of people lived and Africa colonisation meant extracting a colony's resoutces mainly for the benefit of the empure and its trade; the top down admisnstrative systems of colonisers mainly controlled peoples; take the indias subconstunet for example; this placed a quarter of the human race under the adminstration of British Raj - alumni of Mahatma Ganddhi calculated that ar best the epopel of India were paying compound tax of 80%- ie only 20% of their labors and country's assets benefited them. 
Even if we can dbeate some numbers it was clear at the birth of teh UN that a huge number of nations needed freedom; but taking the British case as the biggest example- world war 2 had ended the uk's budgetaey surplus; the nation would rely on eg usa to be kickstarted; so while it hasrily handed out freeod=doms eg to placesd that had been British Raj- it offered evry little immediate comoendation and it passed on the same top-down system that had centuries of of povery classed embedded in it. 

So it shouldn't be surprising taht miracles were needed to  free peoples to rise and rise. This is a fascinating subject to map all over the world from 1945. There may be a few sity port cases (compact populations less than 1 like siganpore where great leasderhip set the natins peoples on the best expoential rising f all

Thursday, September 30, 2021


COP26: world leaders gather in Glasgow, with Xi to deliver address in writing

  • British Prime Minister Boris Johnson expected to tell climate conference that ‘it’s one minute to midnight and we need to act now’
  • Chinese president has not left the country since the pandemic began and will be the only leader to address the summit in a written statement

President Xi Jinping’s address to world leaders at the G20 summit on Sunday is shown on a screen at a Beijing shopping centre. The meeting was a prelude to COP26 in Glasgow. Photo: Reuters
President Xi Jinping’s address to world leaders at the G20 summit on Sunday is shown on a screen at a Beijing shopping centre. The meeting was a prelude to COP26 in Glasgow. Photo: Reuters

World leaders are gathering in the Scottish city of Glasgow for a UN conference trying to find ways to avert the climate crisis, but a lack of trust among nations is expected to make the negotiations more challenging.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will welcome more than 120 leaders at Monday’s opening session and is expected to tell them that “humanity has long since run down the clock on climate change. It’s one minute to midnight and we need to act now”, according to partial remarks released by his office late on Sunday.

Among the leaders attending in person are US President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi from India.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

goal2 rural keynes empowered by women - f1 f2 how rice and veggie science empowered billion chinese & bangladesh village womens capitalism to end starvation

 f1 rice science as a village microfranchise

as you can see by mid 1970s japanese small farmers had learnt from borlaug how to produce 10 times more rice than much of asia

rice is very adaptable to local conditions and has little storage difficulties

1977-the world's happiest chart -asian two thirrds of human race wont starve if borlaugs rice science adapted to every village -japan learnt from borlaug around 1950 by late 1970s china and bangladesh village women empowerment were networking the most valued unicorn food's ever seen in population numbers

wherever famine or extreme poverty was ended in asia - village business food security and profitable of rice was essential out of every village community rising

both bangladesh and chinese women villagers depended on sharing rice knowledge with a little assist from japan...

in bangladesh  this took fazle abed's brac (bangladesh rural advance collaboration) to replicate positive cash flow rice production in every village

with hundreds of thousands of village busineeses the next stage in bangladesh was to design village banking so the mothers could save and when relevant scale up with business loans

with china there are 2 extraordinary stories celebrated wherever lives matter:

stalin communism ended as probably 50 million chinese had died of famine in the 1960s-whatever you call china's ideology by the late 1970s the whole of china  revolted until leaders designed sustained village business models of rice 

however until 1976 china had never let ordinary people have a business licence - in choosing how to start chinese capitalism the first 2 ideas had been:

1 choose which state owned businesses to turn private

2 invite million dollar inward investments from diaspora chinese - now the 3rd richest financial network due to their trading roles in taiwan hk singapore and asean

3 there is a famous story of one chinese vilages where 16 families declared they would move beyond the state cooperative to form family businesses- while these businesses would compete the families agreed if the state closed down any family the other families would look after that family's kids

instead of being closed the productivity of this village rose so much that al other chinese villages were ordered to turn themselves into village businesses

so it was that chinese capitalim from the late 1970s permitted 3 kinds of companies each of which gave balance to the other two-

state businesses

inward investor busineses- typical infrastructure -trains ports supercity to linkin in world class trade

small village businesses

next came deng's order one child per family - half of all family trees would depend on their brightest female 20 years olds by 2000 - women held up half the sky became the chinese mantra -village women empowerment became essential to asia rising

without optimalising rice productivity neither bangladesh or china would have developed - in fact the vast majority of billion people ending extre poverty is based on h1 h2 village health and f1 plus village food security businesses

because rice is laking vitamins both bangladesh and china needed 

f2 vegetable businesses

bac in bangdesh showed how to design nation leadership of poultry around village business - over 1 million livelihoods in bangladesh

f4 dairy also became a unicorn network empowered by brac women - timing was vital - abed had to wait until the european union had sopped dumping powder milk before brac dairy became a village franchise

you can see the whole range of village crop sciences among alumni of the world food prize- it is absolutely vital to sustainable development of a nation that small farmers efficient and effective models are scaled through every village

in bangladesh up to a half of infants in 1972 were dying of diarrhea or due to lack of nutrition and stunting during the first 1000 days- in turn the culture require mothers to have up to 10 children in the hope that 2 boys survive- only by ending unnecessary infant deaths could maternal health improve and smaller family sizes free up mothers to run profitable village business- these basic health models h1 h2 f1-f3 raised life expectancy during the first quarter of a century by 20 years - ie an extra generation 

the difference betwee bangladesh and china- bangladesh had no rich diaspora nor huge world trade sailing along its coastline so could only develop nation with rural keynesianism- china could use both models rural keynesianism which saw huge collaborations between chinese and bangladesh village mothers in designing microfranchises - and belt roadtter models through which china extended japan and korea supercity models integral to just-in-time sme the supply chain the far east belt roadsters built inspired in the first instance by the american quality engineer deming

Friday, March 26, 2021

h1 greatest grants made -vaccination and oral rehydration networking - h2 simplest last mile health microfrachise

 h1 oral rehydration a humid village nation

vaccine a nation

in the late 1970s and early 1980s three force multipliers came together to celebrate the futures of asian village women and their infants health

brac of fazle abed

grant of unicef

barefoot chinese medics

=============how it started unicef had declared a year of the child

fazle abed saw up to a third of bangladesh infants dying of diarrhea- the east pakistan cholera lab had found a solution but it involved education - specifically village mothers neded to know how to mix water sugar and salt in the right amounts

fazle had back in 1972 built a test community of 16000 village homes ; it took 3 tries at finding a way to communicate through one to one coaching to illiterate village mothers they could apply oral rehydration (first go the trainers didnt believe; 2nd go it was found that the husbands need to celebrate this new role for the mother not to block it)

once brac had found the training method it sought a grant from unicef to extend the training to all villages across the nation; the success was the most dramatic grant unicef had ever given; two consequences grant spent th rest of his life telling every nation leaed of humid places about this miracle; he asked abed could he do one thing to help brac villagers who had shown how to network this; abed asked grant to recommend to bangladesh prime ministed a nayion wide vaccine - grant fixed that so brad did half, the government did half, the government took all the credit for nation wide vaccination


 h2 = para health network of brac - doordash 10 mostbasin non-prescription medicines to 300 homes weekly as microfranchise village business- how abed did this - having shown brac could serve not just the home community of 1600 homes but a solution to all rural homes - abed wanted the first solution to be one that built last mile health service

he had heard that china's barefoot doctors were dping this acrooss the border in south china

the chinese were delighted to swap any ideas as they wanted to know how to do oral rehydration - see harvard's chen and chen

while china had much more medical capability abed could not adopt the full barefoot medic model- but he worked out one vilage woan could manage to supply 300 families needs door to door with the 10 basic medicines; brac organised the supply chain and how each parahealth worker could make enough profit as door to door retaler

the para health networkers became trusted mentors to the mothers on paralle infant -eg nutrition first 1000 days to stop stunting - and maternal needs  -and when specials like nation wide vaccination came up the para-health workers would arrange the diaries matching mass vaccination locally; over 40 years-1980-2019 para health networking was one of the backbones of brac integration of last mile health nutrition finance livelihood education and women play as productuive role in nation building as men

from 1980 many many times - partly analagous solutions were shared by bangladesh and chinese village wome empowerment networks - when developmemt workers claim billion asian people ended extreme poverty between 1979 and 2019 the core networking models involved sino-bangla women empowerment

as abed used to say at the extreme levels of rural poverty the microfranchise vilage busiesses wome need to be celbrated for developing acieve the ame goals - in healths case the priority is minimise infant and marernal mortality - do this and an exra geneation of productivity is created as seen as bangladesh raised average life expectancy from low 40s to mid 60s

until life expectancy is raised to 60s on average it is impossible to change rural cultures around the world that valued boys more than girls because in a world with no access to engines -phuscal strendgth is king

....something wonderful happens when a nation is built on mother/psrents rral-time actions of life-saving infant health in primary schools its the mission of all stakeholers teachers, parents, kids,community to grow kids consciousness of wellbeing and health before adolescence

the west could learn from this most baic idea of end extreme poverty - for uve a decade now the lancet has argued a missing curriculum in western schooling is peer to peer health service pre-adolescence

when it comes to technology - the economist arhed n 1984 that ai health would determine which nation fall or rise during industrial revolution 4- this is becuase more and more goverment systems once operated by bureaucrat can be designed as real time ai service latforms but this all depends on the data- 10 times more affordable last mile health needs publicacy not privacy of data; publicacy can be blockchained where all data is fed in to humanising ai but no individual middle man can hack the power of deciding who or where gets eg vaccinated first.......

if you look back at the western history of health services 2 terrible mistakes were made after world 2 - in britain very household got a letter in 1946 saying every hosehold now has a right to demand free health- what if it said every parent has a right to demand health becomes a curriculum in schools- back in 1946 britain basic health knowhow was more distributed than it had ever been; first aid had become the number 1 oddupation of those living in cities being bombed; there was a florence nightingale spirit in every city; 
conversely while usa was lucky never to have had its own cities bombed , its people wee never united around serving health to each other; and so this most basic challenge never got designed into civil rights movements; and the market of insurance was rigged around red lining property in big citties

being honest about critical momets in health service history of anation will be all or nothing as places get tested on humans ai of health

Saturday, February 27, 2021


innovation miracle- how half billion asian women ended dollar a day poverty of 1 billion people

although maps of goal 1 ending poverty face many detailed challenges - if we could design a world in which every next girl/boy born has a g…

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the archives of fazle abed - collected by friends - have we missed a keynote lecture rsvp

Beyond%20power%20games.docx over last 40 years 1 billion Asians ended extreme poverty WHICH OF FAZLE ABED'S TOP 5 PARTNERS women empowering…

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STARSteacher who's who valuing future of 2020s sdsg youth most

mahbubani curriculum please tell us of who is creating space to discuss 37th annual alumni debates of 1984, The 2025 report explored the 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

lessons liars damned liars statisticians economists.. facists hitler/stalin

 when i got my a in stats from corpus christi dampt cambridge 1973 - i wanted to explore why my profession statistics had such AN EVIL REPUTATION


lets start with simpler investigations

i am so old i believed in drucker's maxim 1956 pratice of managent - only marketing and innovcatio multiply vale other org processes add costs

but go back to 1956 , tv ads were in theit infance what did drucker mean by marketing he met search of socieries life critical demands and processes orgs could apply to sole thise needs

and by innovation - like einstein he meant leaping beound manscurrent science's level of dynamic ineractions